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Due to COVID-19 all in person worship, groups and activities are on hold.

We welcome you to connect with us through our online ministries and programs


Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. for our 'Live' Worship Service through our

Facebook Live and YouTube Channels.

Information found on this page covers what we have done in the past,

we look forward to the day we can open our doors again. 

McKillop United Church is a place for those looking for open-minded discussions, community for all ages, outreach to the community, and spiritual growth.


McKillop is an Affirming Ministry. 


We are committed to being an inclusive community of faith welcoming all persons regardless of age, gender identity, health, race, sexual orientation, differing abilities, religious or ethnic background or economic circumstances.  Walk in our doors on any day of the week and you will find lots going on.

Join us on Sundays at a worship service or volunteer

with our outreach activities.


Enjoy one of the many spiritual development seminars or study groups, meditation groups, musical offerings, children’s events, social events and educational activities that take place every week at McKillop. 

McKillop has both street parking and a parking lot.

Our parking lot is beside the church—enter off of 15th Ave.

Street parking is available on both 24th St. and 15th Ave. 

Disabled parking spaces are located in front of the church on 15th Ave.


There is also a loading zone for easy drop-off and pick-up.

Our worship space is on ground level so is accessible to all.

You can enter either on 15th Ave. or 24th St.


There are several spaces in the sanctuary for wheelchairs and hearing packs are available to enhance our sound system.

We also have large print bulletins.

Accessible restrooms are located on the main floor near the sanctuary—these also include changing facilities for babies.

And fully accessible washrooms available in upper hall. 

We have an elevator to our Upper Hall.


What should I expect on Sunday?

McKillop has 2 distinct worship services, Traditional (10:00am) and Contemporary (11:30am)!

We start our services with announcements and both include:

            -Several pieces of music

            -A Time with the Children

            -Message from the Minister



How long are church services?
Services generally last an hour.

We hope you can stay for coffee (after the 10:00am traditional service) or join us for coffee before the 11:30am “Catch the Spirit” contemporary service.

What do we wear to church?

You are welcome to come in whatever makes you feel comfortable. 

Most people wear casual clothes, appropriate to the season, but you’ll see everything from jeans and T-shirts to suits and ties.

We love children at McKillop and want them to feel comfortable. 

Most children wear jeans, t-shirts, and runners.  Sunday School often uses paint, papier mache, glue, and other “messy” things. We also play games.


What about children?

Children are part of our church family and valued members of our congregation (single parent, two parent, same sex parents, etc).  At both services we have a staffed nursery for children ages birth to 3 yrs.—you may prefer your baby to stay with you and that’s fine.  Ask ushers for directions to the nursery.

Children ages 3 – 11 are part of worship for the first 10 minutes or so before they go to Sunday School.  There is a table with crayons, paper, etc. at the back of the worshiping space and a basket of “quiet” toys for kids.  Sunday School is a fun place of learning for children ages 3 – 11.

Parents: you are welcome to go with your children to Sunday School and stay until they feel comfortable in their group. 

Some children would rather stay in worship and that’s OK.


Kids and noise go together -

we are glad children are part of the energy of McKillop

The last Sunday of each month (except Dec.) we have a lunch after “Catch the Spirit” worship.  This child-friendly meal (no nuts) can be enjoyed slowly as you meet new people or eaten “on the run” if you or your child have other activities.

What about offering?

We encourage people to make a donation in support of the work of McKillop as well as to help people in need in our community and the world.  We also know that in the ebb and flow of peoples’ lives, money can be an issue.  We invite people to prayerfully consider their situation and give out of their abundance.  You’ll find visitor offering envelopes in the pews if you wish to make a donation.  If you fill in the information, we will be able to give you a tax receipt.

Give us a call 403 328-2703 or email us at

Judy will help you get in touch with the best person to answer your question.  



We hope to see you soon!

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